Salt & Ice Melt Cleaner, Neutralizer, and Remover for Vehicles and Equipment

Size: Drum (55 Gal)
Packaging: 4 Gal/Case 5 Gallon Pail 30 Gallon Drum 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote
Shipping: Compound Cleaning
SKU: WIN1125 Category:


Eliminates the white film from ice melt chemicals and rock salt that are deposited on vehicles and equipment. Formula-Z also neutralizes and cleans ice melt chemicals and salt stains that attack metal surfaces. Salt deposits cannot be cleaned, they must be neutralized. Formula-Z may be sprayed or brushed on any bare or painted metal surface.

Additional information

Weight 440 lbs
Dimensions 23 × 23 × 35 in

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